The Dish and the Superhero

Warm up: Controlled Chaos

  • Divide class into two groups at opposite ends over your hall. (Four groups if space is an issue, an extra group on each side)
  • Allocate numbers, Group 1, Group 2 etc.
  • Stress that each group can only move on specific instruction of “Go”
  • Start with running up and back a couple of times.
  • Then Hopping up on one foot and back on the other.
  • Then Bear Crawl
  • Then Broad/Superhero jumps.
  • Add Crab Walk for next round
  • Finish with running again.

Dish to Superhero


  • Children lie on their backs
  • They must make themselves long, stretching arms straight back over their heads and feet long and straight, no bend in the knees
  • Lift arms and legs at the same time, lifting shoulder blades slightly off the ground to create v/dish shape.
  • Repeat movement up and down keeping legs and arms straight.


  • This time students lie on their tummies, again they make themselves long with arms straight and over the head and legs straight and as long as possible, again no bend in the knee.
  • To create the superhero position, students now lift arms and legs off the ground while pushing their tummy into the ground.

Practice- We now practice moving from one position to the other, rolling on our hips each time, from dish to superhero and superhero to dish, rolling first to the right then to the left.

Get everyone to complete this movement about 10 times.

Xs and Os (Tic, Tac, Toe)

Fun relay game:

  1. Set up a grid of 3x3x3 hoops at one end of your play area.( As many grids as you need)
  2. Divide group into two teams per grid. Line them up at cones at the opposite end of play area.
  3. Each teams need 3 bibs with a designated colour for each team.
  4. On go the first player from each team runs to the grid and places a bib inside a hoop, they then return to their line and tag the next player who does the same with the second bib, then player 3 does the same with the third bib.
  5. All bibs are now in play, the relay continues except once bibs are in play each player now moves a bib to a new position on the grid.
  6. The objective of the game is for one of the teams to get a line of three bibs in a row, horizontal, vertical or diagonal.
  7. Make teams aware of tactics as well as trying to complete a line, they should also use some goes to try and block the other team from completing a line too.
  8. Couple of important rules, players can only move one bib per turn. Bibs must be placed clearly in the centre of each hoop, bibs  dropped between hoops wont count and will have to be corrected or moved on the next turn.
  9. Play multiple rounds, switch teams from grid to grid and vary movements, running, hopping, bear crawl ,crab walk, duck walk.