Crocodile River

Bean Game Warm Up

  • Fun warm up game to get the class moving.
  • Teacher calls out different kinds of beans and students react accordingly.
  • Children start running randomly inside a designated area(marked with cones)
  • Teacher calls “Runner Bean” children stop and run as fast as they can on the spot.
  • Teacher calls “String Bean” everybody has to stretch out making themselves as long and as tall as possible.
  • Teacher calls “French Bean” students have to say/do something French.
  • Teacher calls “Jumping Bean” Students jump on the spot.
  • Teacher calls “Baked Bean” students lie down and curl up.
  • Teacher calls “Jelly Bean” everybody wobbles.
  • Take 3-4 mins to play this game.

Crocodile River

  • Spread hoops all around your playing area in the yard
  • You will need bibs for this game, one for everyone in the class, it’s often a good idea to give each student a bib to stick in their pocket or hang from their trousers at the start of the game so they have it on hand when needed.
  • Nominate two chasers (Crocodiles) and get them to put their bibs on.
  • The hoops are safe spaces, players cannot be caught when standing in hoops and they may move from hoop to hoop but outside of the hoop they may be tagged.
  • When teacher calls “River” no player is allowed inside hoops for 30 seconds, players must dodge taggers while staying outside of hoops at the same time.
  • Anyone who gets tagged at any time during the game must put on their bib and become a Crocodile.
  • Vary movements by introducing hopping and jumping.